суббота, 15 сентября 2018 г.

The theme of the first meeting is "What did democracy really mean in Athens?"

While we might consider elections to be the cornerstone of democracy, the Athenians who coined the term actually employed a lottery system to choose most of their politicians. Melissa Schwartzberg describes the ins and outs of the Athenian democracy, and addresses some ways in which a lottery system might benefit us today. 

Comment, please
  1. Who could attend the Athenian assembly, or ekklesia?
  2. How was the Council of 500, or boule, selected?
  3. Which office was filled by election?
  4. Who was eligible to hold political office?
  5. What does "democracy" mean?
  6. How would you contrast Athenian democracy with contemporary democracies?

среда, 12 сентября 2018 г.

Statue of Erdogan

In Wiesbaden, a city in Germany, there was an art festival. Its theme was ‘bad news’, and one piece of art was a golden four-metre statue of Turkish President Erdogan.
The statue drew pro and anti-Erdogan demonstrations. The German authorities say that it provoked conflict, so they decided to put it away. The artists behind the statue said that they only wanted to start a debate.
Difficult words: theme (topic, motive, the thing the festival is about), draw (attract, make come), authorities (the administration, local government for example or ‘bosses’).
You can watch the original video www.newsinlevels.com

Are people responsiblle for provokation of conflict? Please comment below.

вторник, 11 сентября 2018 г.

The themes of the meetings

Dear members of English Student Scientific Society for Law Department,
You can see the planned themes for our future meetings in this year:

1.   What did democracy really mean in Athens?

2. Human rights

3. Unemployment. Fighting for Workers Rights

4. The State. How is power divided in the United States Government?

5. Political System of Great Britain

6. The Government in Dagestan

7. Russian Political System

8. Judical power

Comment, please, how do you like the themes, do you want some changes to be done there?

понедельник, 10 сентября 2018 г.

List of the students, memmbers of the Society for 2018-2019

Мусалаева Зубейда
Магомедов Бадрудин
Нахаева Аминат
Магомедов Камиль
Нурмагомедова Майя
Неисвелидов Билал
Омаров Сахават
Рамазанова Амина
Тер-Семенова Сусана
Мутаилумов Магомед