пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.


In modern age of electronics and computers the road to knowledge is open to everybody. The only thing you need is a desire to learn. As John Ruskin, an English writer of the past said: “If you want knowledge, you must toil”.

But to have knowledge isn’t enough. You must know how to use it. You must be able, for example, to make a table, to wash a military uniform or to solve a problem after learning a theorem etc. 

       There are no useful activities without knowledge. Man is proud when he can do something for people because he knows how to do it. Another important thing is that you will need knowledge not only for work. You will need it to enjoy the riches of the science and art.

        To know something is first of all to be able to use knowledge. If you try to acquire knowledge and use it the right way, you will be of benefit for people.

But do you know how much knowledge do we need?
Can we have too much knowledge?
Do you think that people should know only those things which they need for their work?

Please, comment

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