пятница, 6 мая 2016 г.

News in levels

Today's news is 'Best countries for life'
Written by David for News in Levels

Northern Europe leads the chart of the best countries for living in the whole world. This chart is based especially on information about work possibilities, social conditions and amount of free time.
First place goes to Denmark and second to Norway. The best country outside Europe is Canada in 14th place.
There is very interesting information about free time per person per day. If we sum up all the people in one country (children, workers, pensioners etc) and compare that amount with the total time spent at work, we will find the country with the most free time possible. The winners are again the Danish. The average amount of free time per person is 16 hours a day. This means that if you want to find a job and also enjoy your free time, the best country to live in is Denmark. The fact that 23 places out of the first 25 go to Europe is also important information. 

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