пятница, 2 сентября 2016 г.


Hi! I am glad to meet you here this term! Hope we'll enjoy our communicating here.

To start let's discuss the picture:

Comment, please

8 комментариев:

  1. This picture is about the future of a law student.First, he must study at the University for 4 years, then for a master's degree for 2 years. After that, they can study law as a science or work in their specialty . In the picture, they talk about the second option and career growth as a lawyer.

    Ахмедова Марина 1 ДБО 1курс

  2. This picture is about the future law student. It says that the student will be then become a professional lawyer. Also, this picture tells about the possible career path of a law student, about the work on which he will be able to work in the future.

  3. Well, firstly, the picture is humorous in nature. But such a situation is often observed in life, especially today. Yes, they go to a law institute in order to do justice and maintain the rule of law in the state. However, as people who graduate from a law school gain power, they change their priorities and often go the wrong way. This is a mistake and every one of those who are now studying in law should remember that above all else should be law and justice.

    Омарова Асият 1 курс 1 ДБО Юриспруденция

  4. I can’t really understand the meaning of the picture. But I guess that it’s a dialogue between 2 lawyers in which the older one teaching other, that primarily he is a student, who should develop, and only then he is a lawyer. I don’t know what else I should say about this picture.

    Сулейманов Ислам 1 курс 1ДБО

  5. This picture about a posible law student's future. In the beginig of all you are just a srudent, then you become a lawyer and start understand more in this profession. Then you want more and become a judge. But for this you need a lot of practice. Next your wish is a politician's career. And when you became a politician, your desire of power will grow more and more. Until moment when you breach the law and become a criminal.

  6. To work by profession, a person must undergo training in a special institution. Subsequently, he can work as a lawyer. Given the experience of a lawyer practitioner and the fulfillment of a number of other conditions, it is possible to become a judge yourself. If you wish, you can do politics. But at any moment you need to be prepared for the fact that a person, breaking the law, will become a criminal.

    Караева Диана 1 курс 1ДБО Юриспруденция

  7. Мусаева Юлдуз 1к 2гр судебная экспертиза

    It's funny because it's true. knowing the laws of your country, it is possible to break the law and go unpunished. Of course it’s bad to be criminals, but the temptation is still great...

  8. This picture can be described as : " The cycle of the lawyer's life".
    It is humorous, but unfortunately truthful in part. We can often see how people with power,(like politicians or judges) became criminals. This is an actual problem in our days.

    Гасанов Гамид 1 курс 1 группа СЭ
